Storytime: On the first day of Summer
Posted on Jun. 23, 2021Enjoy your Summer Break! You have earned it! Thank you for all your hard work this year Kindergarten! We will miss you!
Enjoy your Summer Break! You have earned it! Thank you for all your hard work this year Kindergarten! We will miss you!
Lets spice up our water play today and all summer long with waterplay that also lets us continue learning all summer long. Here are some examples: some other examples include: -freezing rocks with ice…
Let's go on a trip to see some butterflies!
Create an Obstacle Course! An obstacle course is an excellent way for your child to think critically/creatively and develop fundamental locomotor skills and balance. Here is a list of household items…
Watch Dinosaur Bones. What did you learn about dinosaurs? What is different about their bones than ours? What is the same? If you want to learn more here is a great song all about dinosaur bones.…
Have you ever thought about what a dinosaur skeleton might look like? Have you seen one in a museum before? Lets make our own. Here are the supplies you may need. - playdough - pasta or you could…
Watch this story: Should the boy squish the ant? If you want to print this page to answer the question. Learn more about ants by watching this video: Go an ant adventure in your yard. How many ants…
It is important to move our bodies daily! Before you head outside for some fun lets get in a quick recess workout. GoNoodle Send your teacher a video of you doing an activity below. Spend at least…
Enjoy this story with your family as many of you start to loose teeth.
Enjoy the story The very Hungry Caterpillar to compliment your activity today. Make sure you pay close attention to the story and all the beautiful colors the illustrator used in the story. Can you…
Today we are going to be learning about the butterfly life cycle! Have a look at this video and pay close attention to the 4 stages of the life cycle. When you're finished the video, go back and…
Did you ever wonder how they make chocolate? Let's go on a field trip to a chocolate factory and find out! What's your favorite chocolate bar? Draw a picture of it! For a fun challenge go follow along…
Listen to the story Hooray for birds What's your favorite kind of bird? Can you draw your favorite type of bird? What parts of the bird can you label? Don't forget to take a picture and send it to…
Watch the video all about birds. Is there a type of bird that you would like to see in your backyard? Lets make a bird feeder to hang in your yard. Lets see what kind of birds you can attract to your…
Did you ever wonder how they make chocolate? Let's go on a field trip to a chocolate factory and find out! What's your favorite chocolate bar? Draw a picture of it! For a fun challenge go follow along…
Watch the Story: If you can print off this activity to practice counting down. Here If you have sidewalk chalk go outside and draw as many shapes as you can. If you have extra time, create a maze…
Today we are going to focus on our sense of sound. Use those ears to listen and see what you hear. I want you to explore these 5 areas for 1 minute each. You can sit or lie down and close your eyes…
Join Rachel while listening to the story.
Did you know that they thought that humans might be able to live on Mars? Well it turns out that I don't think we can but this is a fun way to explore another planet! What is one really cool thing…
Time to get planting! Students will need bean seeds for this experiment. They can be purchased at a local grocery, hardware store or greenhouse. 1. Listen to the story "One Bean" By Anne Rockwell. …
Enjoy this story all about sidewalk chalk. When you finished reading head outside and see what you can make with sidewalk chalk. What could you use to erase your drawings? Did it work? Experiment…
Now that is getting warm out, it is great that we finally get to go outside and enjoy the nice sunny weather. For this activity you will need: - Sidewalk chalk - something to pour water out of ex.…
Did you know that they thought that humans might be able to live on Mars? Well it turns out that I don't think we can but this is a fun way to explore another planet! What is one really cool thing…
Watch the video below to make a bouquet of flowers to give to someone you love. If you liked this drawing there are other drawings you can complete for Mother's Day as well. Just look up Art for Kids…
Let's take some time to learn about Earth and how we can help make it a safer place to live! Start with this video! Do this quiz with an adult at home. Let you teacher know your answers. A small…
Although it's not actually Earth Day today but everyday we should take care of our planet!
Let's got to the farm to visit some animals! More farm fun! If you had a farm what animals would you have on it? Draw a picture of what your farm would look like and then label as many things as…
Today is a field trip to a farm so why not learn the BINGO song!
Choose one activity from below: 1. Students today will be learning about "wheat from the farm to you." Visit the link below and click on "Let's Go" From Wheat to You Read through those slides…
Enjoy this story about nature before or after doing your Nature art. How does walking or being in nature make you feel?
Nature's Crayon: Today we are going to create art masterpieces out of nature. Watch this video to get some inspiration for all the different things that you can make with the natural world all around…
Let's got to the farm to visit some animals! More farm fun! If you had a farm what animals would you have on it? Draw a picture of what your farm would look like and then label as many things as…
Today is a field trip to a farm so why not learn the BINGO song!
Watch the story about Kindness Complete the Kindness Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe
Listen to The Giving Tree and share with your adult what you learned in the story.
Today we will learn about shapes! 1. Time to get up and Dance! Name the shape game is first up on the to do list! 2. Go around your house and find 5 different shapes! Try to find some 2D shapes…
Enjoy this short story about Spring. If you can get out for a nature walk today and see if you can see any of the springtime things that were discussed in the book. What did you find on your walk?…
What are some things that you may notice about spring in Lethbridge where we live? Can you journal about the things you might notice around our community? Do you notice the weather, what is happening…
Today you will listen to the story, "The Best Nest", by P.D. Eastman Next you will now build your own "Best Nest". You can use various items from around your house (construction paper, string,…
What does it mean to be responsible? Responsibility means you do the things you are supposed to do and accept the results of your actions. A responsibility: something you are expected to do Being responsible:…
Discuss with your family after listening to the book, some "what if everybody did that?" examples. Can you tell your adult some examples of ways to be responsible and ways that you do that already?…
There are so many ways to read a story! We can read the words or the pictures. We can also read books in a ton of different places. Each book is a new adventure! Watch the story below. Author Kate Messner…
Enjoy this story about Spring coming. If you can get out for a walk today and look for some of the things that it talked about in this book. What did you find?
What are some things that you may notice about spring in Lethbridge where we live. Can you journal about the things you might notice around our community? Do you notice the weather, what is happening…
Let's start by learning a little bit about spring! What are 2 things that you learned from this video? Here are some fun spring activities that you can do with your family- Pick 3 to complete with…
After listening to the story The Great Eggscape students will now be creating their own eggs! 1. How to draw your own egg characters: 2. Making a dozen! Extension: 3. Time to hide them,…
Please follow the link to the story, "The Great Eggscape"
Can you Draw a picture of your Leprechaun Trap?
A leprechaun has been sighted around Lethbridge and we would like to try to capture him. Leprechauns are tricky creatures, so our traps will need to be clever and creative! In order to have the best…
Was there ever a food that you thought you didn't like without trying it. Discuss this with your adult.
Enjoy this short Field Trip to the Grocery Store After, can you make some pretend food and colour them and cut them out. Sort which foods are healthy and which foods are not. Sort your…
Today we will be reading a story and learning some Cree Words. The Cree are one of the largest First Nations groups in Canada. They pass their traditions and culture down through stories like the one…
Sometimes we don't love the food that is on our plate but to grow big and strong we need to sometimes eat the foods that aren't as tasty.
We are going to start learning about eating healthy. This activity will be all about shopping for healthy foods virtually. Watch this video to learn why we eat healthy? A fun video about veggies…
Was there ever a food that you thought you didn't like without trying it. Discuss this with your adult.
Enjoy this short Field Trip to the Grocery Store After, can you make some pretend food and colour them and cut them out. Sort which foods are healthy and which foods are not. Sort your foods…
1. Listen to the story: 10 Black Dots 2. Throughout the story pause and count the number of dots in each picture. Ask: What could you make with that number of dots?Play: “What is 1 MORE than___?…
Did you know that we have 5 senses we use to experience the world around us? These senses help us to decipher what things are and how we use them. Today we are going to do an investigation. You are…
Learning about the five senses is so much fun. After watching this story go for a short walk with your family. Bring a paper, pencil and something to write on. draw a picture of what you saw, heard,…
Enjoy this fieldtrip out in nature. During this video she will discuss living vs. non-living things. After watching this video use your journal or a piece of paper and draw two things in your house…
Watch the story about animals in winter:
Today we are going to learn what some animals do to survive the winter. Watch the video: Sing along to the Hibernation Song Choose one or more of the following activities: Can you build a den to hibernate…
Before you watch this story, think about what would be really cool to get from magic beans?
Today is going to be all about acting and sharing the fun and creative side of you! Watch this video to learn more about how to play: Are you ready to use your imagination and play Charades with…
Enjoy this fieldtrip out in nature. During this video she will discuss living vs. non-living things. After watching this video use your journal or a piece of paper and draw two things in your house…
After listening to the story please draw a picture about what love is to you, if you are able to you may also write letters or words out to help label or explain what love is to you. Take a picture…
Today we will be doing an investigation to see what will sink and what will float! Materials: -Container or tub of water-your kitchen sink -A collection of items to test some examples: feather, cork,…
**** IMPORTANT **** This story talks about Valentines Day. If you do not celebrate this day please click the second story instead. Alternative to this story.
Emotions are tricky work. Sometimes it may feel Hard to know what we are really feeling. This is why it may be important to find ways to express ourselves and our different emotions. Please watch…
Enjoy this story about feelings and emotions. After this story please discuss with your child how they would explain their different emotions like: Happy, Mad, Sad, Frustrated, Excited, Curious, Suprised,…
Do you remember what it is called when bears lay down during the wintertime?
What are your favorite activities to do in the snow? Watch this video of children enjoying the fluffy white snow. Do you enjoy Sledding? What other winter activities do you love to do? After watching…
Look around your house and see if you can spot anything that makes your house Wacky this Wednesday?
Walking outside is a great way to help reset for our day. It can give us more energy, it can help change our mood, and it can help us become more aware of the world around us. Brainstorm with your adult…
Discussion Ideas: Have you have had a mishap like this? What can you make with glue?
On December 21, it switched seasons. We went from Fall to Winter. What is your favorite part of winter? Watch this video to learn a little bit more about winter season. Activities to do: Go…
Today is a day to explore with Lego or Blocks. Lets start by sorting them 3 ways. Sort the blocks by: Color Shape Size Can you make a pattern with your blocks? Try these patterns: AB ABC AABB AAB…
Chat with your parents about the moral of the Story!
Today students will listen to the Story Sneezy the Snowman (or they can choose The Three Little Pigs from Storytime today) and do a retell of the story to an adult at home. Preview the book by pausing…
Enjoy the story of the three little pigs. *Hint* watch and listen may need this story for an activity later.
Do you remember what it is called that bears do during winter time?
What are your favorite activities to do in the snow? Watch this video of children enjoying the fluffy white snow. Do you enjoy sledding in the snow? What other activities do you enjoy? After watching…
Introduce the story, Henry Holton Takes the Ice: Explain that the story is about a hockey obsessed family. When someone is obsessed about something it means that it is all they think about. Allow time…
There are three stages to learning rhyming: First, being able to hear rhyming words- this is where students get use to hearing rhyming words in their environment. Second, recognizing when they hear rhyming…
Watch this video to learn about all of the WH questions. Time to think of your own questions: Can you think of a WHO question? Can you think of a WHAT question? Can you think of a WHERE question?…
Let's get some extra movement in with todays story!
You have explored the Northern Lights or are about to with the Field Trip Friday. This is a fun book that touches on the Northern Lights and a little bit of Disney to add to the fun! ***Note: The story…
Grab your coat because we are headed to the Arctic Circle! Discussion: Do you remember hearing about the midnight sun? That is when the sun never sets and there is daylight all day. This happens…
Let's do some exercise- Adults, Go Noodle can be a great way to do brain breaks at home with your children between school work. Learning from home means no gym class so use Go Noodle to get our students…
This book is a fun connection to learning about what to wear outside in the winter.
Today students will be sorting various things from around their homes. If you feel your child needs a refresher on what sorting is, they can do the following activity first with Ms. McNab, a kindergarten…
Listen to this heartwarming and imaginative story from Isaac Fitzgerald and best selling illustrator Brigette Barrager. Moral of the story: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Please discuss this concept with your…
You have explored the Northern Lights or are about to with the Field Trip Friday. This is a fun book that touches on the Northern Lights and a little bit of Disney to add to the fun! ***Note: The story…
Grab your coat because we are headed to the Arctic Circle! Discussion: Do you remember hearing about the midnight sun? That is when the sun never sets and there is daylight all day. This happens…
Today we are going to learn a bit about various forms of expression (writing, drawing, dancing, art, drama, movement, etc.) Have a conversation with your child about the following: We each have…
Mouse's First Snow! What is your favorite thing to do in the snow? Do you like to do any of the things that Mouse does in this story?
It's the last day of school this year so let's have a little fun!! Check out this video of Santa's house. I wonder if this really is where he sleeps at night! Learn how to draw Santa's Workshop:…
As Autumn is coming to an end I thought this story would be fun. Did you know that December 21 is the first day of Winter but also the day with the least sunlight?
It is time to learn and practice with syllables. Playdough Stretching and Breaking- You are going to say the word while stretching the playdough and then say the word while breaking the playdough.…
This Story is fun! I love that it makes something at the end! Maybe after the story you can also go outside and make something with snow!
Can you find all the rhyming words? See if you can think of some other words that rhyme too?
Note to parents: Did you know that good rhymers are often better equipped to become better readers? Students who notice similar spelling endings often have an easier time reading other words with the…
Lots of us are mailing letters this month so let's take a trip to the post office! *please point out that in Canada we call it a postal code instead of a zip code. Suggested Activities A.…
Create your passport with an adult so that it looks like mine. *Don't draw the picture for Kwanzaa until you listen to the video and learn!* Kwanzaa Time to get started! Let's go learn about Kawanzaa!…
I am so excited for you all to listen to a book by Jan Brett! Talk about the story with your adult after you have listened to it.
Today students will be using this site Gingerbread Man Math to practice counting, ordering and matching numbers 1-10. Once finished explore have fun decorating your own Gingerbread…
Brave Irene What does it mean to have courage? When was a time that you had courage? This is a story about a little girl who showed both courage and determination. What do you think is going…
The Old Lady is up to her old tricks. Instead of swallowing a fly she's swallowed the ABC's now. We can't let her keep them because we need the ABC's to do our work in Kindergarten. I wonder what she's…
Today during 'story time,' your child will listen to the story on our Team site called The Mitten, by Jan Brett. This story is fantastic for teaching sequencing, predicting, and retelling which…
This is a all-time favourite in Kindergarten and we are so excited to share this story with you. After you finish watching the story head over to the big Kindergarten Team lesson on this page and do some…
It is important to know that there are good secrets and bad secrets. Listen to Mrs. Layton read this story titled Do You Have a Secret? Then, talk with your grown-up about what might be a good secret…
Today we are going to work on our fine motor skills, as well as begin learning about non-standard measurement. Watch this video to learn about non-standard measurement! Measurement Practice: Materials:…
Are you ready to visit a recycling center? A: Every recycling center looks a little bit different and every city decides what community members are allowed to recycle. B: Click the following link…
It's time for another Chicka Chicka book! Today's books will be Chicka Chicka 123. This is one of my favourites. As you are reading think about where number 0 might belong. He is feeling awfully left…
Watch one or both of the videos below: Building Activity: With objects you have at home (lego, blocks, magnetics, etc) I want you to make different shapes (both 2D and 3D). After building each shape:…
One last Chicka Chicka book for us today! We saved the best for last. Read all about how these little lower case letters explore the coconut tree. Everyone comes together in this story to help keep the…
After listening to the story "Snowman at Night" students will draw their very own snowman! Materials: 1 dark blue or piece of construction paper wax crayons (or side walk chalk if you want it to…
Look at the front cover for the book Snowmen at Night. What do you think this story will be about? The cover might give some clues that you can use to make a prediction. Talk about who might be the main…
Time to learn about Natural things and Manufactured (Man-made) Start by watching this video to learn about Natural and Man-made things! Activity: You are going to go on a walk or scavenger hunt!…
Grab a blanket and maybe something warm to drink while you listen to this story. While you are listening, think about what you did last week on your snow day. *This book is being red with permission…
When A Dragon Moves In! 1) Talk about: • Building sandcastles at the beach • Dragons2) Introduce the title, When a Dragon Moves In, and have students predict what might happen.…
Shape up! Check out 1 of the following stories/ songs: Story: Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes Song: 3D Shapes Song: Shawna's 3D Shapes Going on an Object Hunt Get a piece of paper…
Watch the field trip to a bakery! Optional activities: Play-dough (fine motor) Use play-dough to create your own cakes and cookies. Use your hands to roll, knead, and stretch your play-dough,…
*Disclaimer: This lesson contains links to YouTube videos. We cannot control advertisements that may appear when these videos are viewed or opened. Please be sure to supervise children at all times when…
Discussion: What was happening at the beginning for Vashti? Why do you think her teacher loved the dot she drew so much? Would you help make a friend feel special and show them they are an artist too…
Let’s get a Lethbridge Public Library Card so that we can visit the Library virtually! The cards work online and you can also visit the Library Branches. Fill in…
Today you get to just sit back, grab a blanket and listen to Mrs. Siemens read Chicka Chicka Rock. This book is not as popular as the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom books so we are betting it will be a story…
Fall is apple picking time and today we are going to learn about apples! Have your apple ready and let's get started! 1. Have a discussion with your child about their apple. What does it feel like?…
For Monday's lesson, students will need to have 1 apple! If you choose to make apple sauce as an extension activity, please have 4 extra apples on hand! Have a great weekend, ~The Kindergarten Team
Pumpkin, Pumpkin Let's have one last bit of Halloween fun! I noticed Franklin measuring his pumpkin at the beginning of the story. Look around your house for some pumpkins. If you do not have any pumpkins,…
We see pumpkins all over at this time of year. Have you ever wondered where a pumpkin comes from? Listen to this song and story about pumpkins and how they grow! Listen to this song about pumpkins!…
*Disclaimer: This lesson contains links to YouTube videos. We cannot control advertisements that may appear when these videos are viewed or opened. Please be sure to supervise children at all times when…
Today we are going to be learning about helpers in our community! You will watch a video, work on fine motor skills and sorting, as well as listen to a story! *Disclaimer: This lesson contains links…
*Disclaimer: This lesson contains links to YouTube videos. We cannot control advertisements that may appear when these videos are opened. Please be sure to supervise children at all times when…
Guji Guji Before reading/viewing: Build background for your child by discussing the following: What do you know about ducks? What do you know about crocodiles? Do you think a crocodile could live…
Ok we need your help! We love seeing your children having tons of fun so please send videos! ***While completing this assignment keep in mind: We NEED a video of your child doing each of the following:…
Get your thinking and creative caps on for this story today! You are about to listen to a story that is going to require you to have some fun thinking about what your dream house would look like! Before…
Let’s have some fun today with patterns! What is a pattern?- Repeating the same thing over and over! We have had lots of practice with AB patterns but today we are going to try some other kinds of patterns…
Turkey Roll & Patterns: Materials 2 dice crayons Turkey Roll Page Last week students created patterns using fruit loops. Today students will be using the Turkey Roll dice pages to have some fun learning…
Thanksgiving is almost here! This is a good time to think about what we have to be thankful for. This story talks about all the things that we could be thankful for. Notice how the author adds detail…
Listen to the story! Discussion- What does it mean to be “bad”? What does it mean to be “good”? Do you ever have bad days? What do you do to make those bad days better? How would you feel if…
For this week's exercise activities, students can roll two dice and do the activities listed in the boxes & do some fall dances! Have fun! Fall Songs/Dances:
Today students will be listening to a story called Turkey Trouble. They will need their Turkey Printout and various materials to use for a disguise. After listening to the story, your child's job…
Clark The Shark Before reading, ask: What do you think this book is going to be about? Who do you think Clark the Shark is? Is he nice? Click the link below to listen to the story "Clark The Shark"…
Put on your wellies and let's head to the farm! Wellies are another word for rubber boots. You will not want to get your runners dirty at the horse farm. Watch the video together and talk about what you…
*Disclaimer: This lesson contains links to YouTube videos. We cannot control advertisements that may appear when these videos are viewed or opened. Please be sure to supervise children at all times when…
RAINBOW FISH Click the link below to listen to the story: Before Reading: FISH What are some kinds of fish that you know? Can you describe them?…
Fruit Loop Exploration Please note this activity is extensive and is designed to be extended over two days. Feel free to complete the activities multiple times. We will be using fruit loops for…
Put on your wellies and let's head to the farm! Wellies are another word for rubber boots. You will not want to get your runners dirty at the horse farm. Watch the video together and talk about what you…
Students will need to have Fruit Loop Cereal (or an equivalent brand) on hand for next week's patterning activities. This can be purchased at a local grocery store or dollar store!
Read: – My Five Senses by Aliki *Please note that the audio on this video fades at places. You will need to adjust accordingly throughout. Watch this: Offline Activity: Go outside! …
Splish Splash Note to Parents: You will need 26 rocks with a letter of the alphabet (A-Z) written on each one. You could also use seashells, alphabet magnets or any sturdy material…
Hello Everyone! Just a quick reminder that you need to have some supplies ready for this weeks lessons. -You will need 26 rocks with a letter of the alphabet (A-Z) written on each one. You…
Welcome to Friday! (Please know due to alternating Fridays this is for Sept 11th and Sept 18th's classes) Today students will be watching the short video "Franklin Goes to School" and participating…
Chalk It Up Please note this activity is extensive and is designed for September 14th and 16th. There will not be another post on the Kindergarten Team website on Sept. 16th. Please continue to do…
Hello Everyone, There are some supplies that you will need to prep ahead of time as we head into next two week's of Team lessons. Please see below: Sept 14th and 16th -Cornstarch -Food Colouring …
Hand Washing and Germs In this lesson the students will listen to a story about handwashing and germs, watch a science demonstration, enjoy a video and a couple songs about handwashing rules. After…
Dear Kindergarten Families, Welcome to Online Kindergarten! We are super excited to meet your child through our online format. Our Kindergarten team has created this microsite where you can…