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Snack and Movement Patterns

Let’s have some fun today with patterns!

What is a pattern?- Repeating the same thing over and over! We have had lots of practice with AB patterns but today we are going to try some other kinds of patterns too!



Ask your child what kind of patterns they heard in the song? 


Snack time!

  1. You will need at least 3 different snacks (Examples: goldfish, chocolate chips, marshmallows, raisins, grapes, apples, cheese, nuts, animal Crackers, etc.)
  2. Start by making an AB pattern with your snack
  3. Lets make more patterns- Can you make an AABB pattern? An ABB or AAB pattern? An ABC pattern?
  4. Now that you have 3 or 4 patterns lets sort your snack- Can you think of different ways to sort them?

Patterns with Movement!

  1. Show me a a jump, jump, jog on the spot pattern! ***Parents, please video this for your teacher to see your child’s gross motor skills***
  2. Show me a balance on one foot, jump with 2 feet together, and skip in a circle! pattern! ***Parents, please video this for your teacher to see your child’s gross motor skills***
  3. Create 2 of your own movement patterns (Ideas: Clap, stomp, star jump, bear crawl, frog hop)



  1. Download the Starfall Free app from the App Store ore Google Play
  2. Click on the 3D shapes
  3. Click on patterns
  4. Start at the top and try all the different pattern mazes. They get harder as you go!


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Lethbridge , AB T1J 2Z4