Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Week of September 8th

Materials for the Week

Materials for the week:

On Wednesday in Science we are starting our unit with sink and float. Students will need to gather 3 things they think will sink and 3 things they think will float. They will then test objects in water.

On Thursday students are to make patterns with objects. These could be blocks, Lego, pasta, cereal, etc. They will need 2 different objects and bring them to the math class.

Tuesday September 8th

Tuesday September 8th:

We have 3 Teams meetings today 8:30, 10:30, and 1:00.

8:30- Teams Morning Meeting:

·       Talk about weekend

·       Play an Alphabet game

·       Talk about work for today

9:00- Reading

·       Go to Alphabet games and play online

·       Super Why

·       ABC Slider

·       Alphabet Bubble

·       Print out the letters of the Alphabet and practice the letter sounds.

See example

·       Read for 15 minutes. Real books or reading sites.


10:00- Snack and Movement Break

10:30- Teams Math

·       Introduction to Patterns

11:00- Math

Watch Pattern Videos

·       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9wt4K5Zup0

·       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwdYiHsrMUc

·       Create 5 different patterns and write the pattern core. Post on My Blueprint.

See Example

·       Play pattern games online.

·       https://generalstewart2.weebly.com/september-math.html


12:00-1:00- Lunch

1:00 Teams Social Studies Lesson

·       Introduction to Mapping

1:30- Social Studies Work

•       Watch video a globe.


·       Listen to book online.

·       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkEP1ouM3cM

·       Draw your view from the ground and what an airplane would see.

See Example

2:30- Exercise- Exercise with Misha and Monkey

Misha and Monkey Video:


*From 2:00- 3:30 I will be having individual Teams meetings with students and parents.

Wednesday September 9th

Wednesday September 9th

We will have Teams meetings at 8:30, 10:30, and 1:00

8:30- Teams Morning Meeting

  • Sharing
  • Reading lesson

9:00- Reading work

·       Build your reading stamina. Read for 15 min. either real books or  books online.

·       Go to Alphabet games and play online

·       Super Why

·       ABC Slider

·       Alphabet Bubble

·       Practice printing. Work on any letters from yesterday. Are there any letters that you could make neater?

 10:00- Snack and Movement Break

10:30- Teams Math Lesson

  • Patterns

11:00- Watch video on Extending Patterns

12:00- Lunch and Movement Break

1:00 -Teams Science Lesson

  • Sink and Float

1:30- Science Experiment

  •  Find 3 things you think will float and 3 thing you think will sink. Create a chart of your objects. Fill up a bowl, bucket or sink with water. Test your objects and record on the sheet.

 See Example

2:30- Exercise- Go outside and play!

Thursday September 10th

Have Teams meetings at 8:30, 10:30, and 1:00

Materials for the Day: Math need items to make patterns with.

8:30- Teams Morning Meeting

·       Share

·       Reading Lesson

9:00- Reading Time

·       Listen to a story online or read a story on your own.  Retell the story to a family member

·       Listen to a family member read to you. Then Walk the book.   Look at each page and retell the story.

·       Reading Activities online.

·       https://generalstewart2.weebly.com/september-reading.html

10:00- Snack and Movement Break

10:30- Teams Math Lesson

·       Pattern Lesson

11:00- Math Work

·       Make more patterns with your items you brought to Teams and have a family member check your patterns.

See Example

·       Walk around outside with a family member and look for patterns. Take a picture of the patterns you see and post on My Blueprint.

·       Play Math Games Online:

·       https://generalstewart2.weebly.com/september-math.html

12:00- Lunch and Movement Break

1:00- Teams Science Lesson

·       Mapping Lesson

1:30- Make a map of the rooms in your house.

See Example

2:30- Exercise- Go Noodle


I will be meeting with parents from 1:45-3:30 today.


Friday September 11th

Friday September 12th

We Have a Teams meeting at 8:30

8:30- Teams Morning Meeting

·       Sharing

·       Zones of Regulation

9:00- Create your Zones of regulation page and colour. Post on My Blueprint when complete.

See Example

·       Read a book and use your 3 ways of reading.

10:00- Snack and Movement Break

10:30- Activity catch up and practice

·       Finish any work for the week not completed.

·       Create more patterns with objects. See if you can trick a family member with a hard pattern.

·       Go to reading and math sites.


·       Post all completed work on My Blueprint.

Material Pick-up- I hope to have materials delivered to your schools. I will let you know pick up later in the week!