MIPI Math assessment:
Students must complete this online assessment by Friday, October 3rd. The district is wanting every student from grade 2-9 to complete the MIPI math assessment to help guide teacher’s instruction. You are allowed to read the questions to your child and submit the answer, but not help answer in any way. This is so that teachers have an understanding of where your child is at and what is needed going forward. This is a guide to inform instruction and needs to be completed without any help. Please click your schools link below. If it asks for a password, it is your child’s student password (the same password for Teams and My Blueprint). If you have any questions, please let me know.
General Stewart: https://generalstewartmipi.schoolsites.ca/grade-level-mipi-links
Senator Buchannan: https://buchananmipi.schoolsites.ca/grade-level-mipi-links
Park Meadows: https://parkmeadowsmipi.schoolsites.ca/grade-level-mipi-links
Immanuel Christian: https://icesmipi.schoolsites.ca/grade-level-mipi-links