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Introduction to Online Learning

Dear Kindergarten Families, 

Welcome to Online Kindergarten! We are super excited to meet your child through our online format.   Our Kindergarten team has created this microsite where you can access weekly lessons as well as the link to your own specific teacher’s platform.   

Our focus for the first two weeks is to make sure students and parents are comfortable using the new platforms we have set out.  Once we are settled into our own individual classrooms, our microsite lessons/activities will be posted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Those in Tuesday/Thursday classes can pull from the posts on the previous days. 

Please get into the habit over the next two weeks to check the general site for updates.  They are meant to be fun and engaging for both students and families.  We will do our best to create lessons that use simple things that you can find around your home.  If activities require special materials, your child’s teacher will try to give you as much notice as possible. These lessons are for all kindergarten students and are to be completed during your child’s independent work time You teacher will be in contact with you as to how they would like you to submit work digitally from the lessons.  

 It is important that we strive to make sure the amount of screen time (both live and recorded) is developmentally appropriate.  Therefore, it is crucial that we have your support as a parent to help guide your child’s learning through play at home.   Children in this age group learn well through routine, repetition, exploration, and play.  As educators, and especially since we are online, we must have an accurate idea of where your child’s starting point is developmentally.   Thground work that we set for  your child will affect them for years to come; so, we want it to be a very positive experience for them! Children all develop at different rates and we are there to help guide and create a nurturing learning environment.  As we navigate what a play focused ‘online kindergarten’ program looks like, we appreciate your flexibility and understanding.     

 You will see the lessons show up in the form of Blog Posts at the top of the Kindergarten Team Lessons page on this micrositeThere is also a ‘Calendar’ that will have the same lessons posted in a calendar format. The links posted within the calendar are downloadable for those of you who prefer a printed copy.  Keep in mind, of course, that when using a printed copy, you do not have access to the links. 

Please know that your child’s individual teacher will also have live lessons using the Microsoft Teamplatform and will assign other activities at their discretion using their individual platforms that they have set up.  

Our kindergarten online team consists of 4 teachers: Mrs. Chinn (from Coalbanks doing in class and online), Mrs. Mikilak (from Galbraith doing online), Mrs. Rodeback (from Lakeview doing online kindergarten and grade 4), and Mlle Jory (from École Nicholas Sheran doing French Immersion in class and online)  French Immersion will encompass other lessons that support their specific learning.   Your teacher will communicate that program directly and may not use some of the lessons on this Kindergarten microsite page. 

Our lessons may include a video portion that features one of these teachers. These videos are for our Kindergarten students only and ask that you kindly not repost or share these links. We do not want to see our faces showing up on the internet without our consent.  Due to The Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOIP) do know that any recording of LIVE lessons is prohibited.   

We are so very excited to start this journey with you and your child.   Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.   



Your Kindergarten Online Team (Mrs. Chinn, Mrs. Mikilak, Mrs. Rodeback & Mlle Jory) 


*Disclaimer: Often our lessons contain links to YouTube videos. We cannot control advertisements that may appear when these videos are opened. Please be sure to supervise children at all times when viewing YouTube links in case disturbing or inappropriate material unexpectedly appears. 


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