Let’s get a Lethbridge Public Library Card so that we can visit the Library virtually! The cards work online and you can also visit the Library Branches.
- http://www.lethlib.ca/ecard-signup
- Fill in yours or your childs information- this year library cards are free for Children AND Adults
- Click “Accept”
- Write down your 14 digit ecard number
- Click “Finish your online catalog registration”
- In the top search bar type “Tumblebooks”
- Click on the yellow Tumblebooks icon
- To the right you will see “Visit Tumblebooks”- Click on that
- Enter your Ecard number and pin number
- Click on the Blue Story Books Tab!
It is time to explore some children’s book!
If you get stuck you can email Jenny at the Lethbridge Public Library at: Jenny.cofell@lethlib.ca or call 403-380-7320
- Pick 3-4 stories that look interesting to you to listen to!
- Talk about each story with your parent
- What was your favorite part?
- What was your least favorite part?
- What did you learn?
- Who was the main Character in the story? Who was the story about?
- From the books you read, create a fun project about your favorite one. Some ideas are:
- Draw a picture and have a parent record you telling us about it
- Do a video talking about what you learned in the book
- Create a craft that is inspired by the book you loved
Feel free to go and explore more books. This is a great way to have virtual Library time.