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Start Up Information

Welcome Kinder Students and Parents! 

Welcome to At-Home Learning! I am so excited for the virtual learning journey that you, your child and I will be going on for the upcoming semester. To ensure we have a successful semester of online learning, please ensure that each day your child has:

  • Eaten breakfast
  • Has a quiet space to work- with a table and chair
  • Appropriate clothing (No Pajamas)

From our parents, we are expecting that you will be available to help your child navigate Microsoft Teams video chats, and can facilitate the activities that are being assigned during independent work time.   I will be calling Tuesday and Thursday this week to make sure that all parents have their log in information accurate and to go through a small questionnaire. You should have received an email from the district with your log in information and ASN numbers.  Please check your junk mail in case it was sent there.

You have had a chance to set a lot of this up with your current teacher so as of Monday it will be the same but with me instead!


Instructions for getting started- 

  1. My Blog- https://home.lethsd.ab.ca/kindergarten/mrs-barclay - Here you will find what is happening for the week and what we will be covering with our live meetings. Make sure to check Sunday nights for the weeks plans!
  2. Kinder Team Blog- https://home.lethsd.ab.ca/kindergarten/kindergarten-team-website - You have all used this site already for the assignments during individual work time. (Note: Next week you need Fruit Loops)
  3. Teams- Class meetings are at 9am, 11:30am, and 1pm (Monday and Wednesday) and Fridays at 9am. I will get you all added to our class for Monday to start!
    • To sign in- open office.com and sign in with your school email and password
    • From your office.com homepage, click on the TEAMS app to open right in your browser.
    • Select TEAMS to see which class teams you are in. (Note: This will be a new team with the Mickey Mouse image)
  4. Seesaw-

Join our Seesaw Class Mrs. Barclay’s Kinder Class

Hi Students,

This year we’re going to use Seesaw to share our learning. Please join our class Mrs. Barclay’s Kinder Class today!

If you’re using Seesaw for the first time:

  1. Go to https://app.seesaw.me/#/login
  2. Choose "I’m a Student"
  3. Type in the code: APXB NCAV. This code expires on September 30, 2020
  4. Finish creating your account using your school Google account or email address

If you’ve used Seesaw before and have an account:

  1. Go to https://app.seesaw.me/#/login
  2. Choose "I’m a Student"
  3. Sign in using your school Google account or email address
  4. Click on your profile icon on the top left
  5. Click on the +Join Class button
  6. Type in the code: APXB NCAV. This code expires on September 30, 2020



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433 15 Street South
Lethbridge , AB T1J 2Z4