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Start Up Information for our Class!

Hello Kindergarten Parents in Mrs. Chinn’s class!


Welcome to At-Home Learning! I am so excited for the virtual learning journey that you, your child and I will be going on for the upcoming semester. To ensure we have a successful semester of online learning, please ensure that each day your child has:

  • Eaten breakfast
  • Has a quiet space to work
  • Appropriate clothing (No Pajamas)

From our parents, we are expecting that you will be available to help your child navigate Microsoft Teams video chats, and can facilitate the activities that are being assigned during independent work time.   I will be calling Tuesday and Thursday this week to make sure that all parents have their log in information accurate and to go through a small questionnaire. You should have received an email from the district with your log in information and ASN numbers.  Please check your junk mail in case it was sent there.

How It Works

Microsoft Teams

What it is used for:

  • Mini-Lessons
  • Small Group Lessons
  • One-on-One meetings with the teacher

Microsoft Teams is a virtual meeting space where we will be meeting throughout the day in a whole group, small group or one-on-one setting. Each day at 8:45/50 we will begin by logging on to our class teams site (instructions are below). I will be taking attendance and then we will begin with our morning meeting. We will return to Teams throughout the day depending on your schedule to receive mini-lessons and prepare for the independent work that you will be facilitating your child with.

***See Image***




What it is used for:

  • Accessing resources and materials for assigned activities

This microsite is the place where you will find lessons posted each week.  These lessons will be for independent work time and will need to be submitted to your teacher before Friday of that week. 

To my personal microsite, you can click on “Mrs. Chinn”.  There you will find a daily message with some activities specific to our own kindergarten class.


Weekly Pickup

What it is used for:

  • Dropping off materials that have been taken home
  • Picking up materials that will be needed for the upcoming week

On Friday we will have a pickup time where you can come get the resources that your child will need for your child.  I will try to have packages ready for pick up from our school starting Sept.11.  More information regarding where and when to pick up will be coming over the next week.  I will try to have a package for you that will last long periods of time so you don’t need to worry about weekly pick ups.  



For this week, I will be contacting parents with last names A-M in the morning of Tuesday Sept 1, and N-Z.  I will continue to make these calls and provide tech support to those that need it on Thursday as well.  If everyone is online and feeling comfortable, my goal is to have a full class Team’s meeting on Tuesday Sept. 8th!

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