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Nov 23rd-27th

Hello everyone!  We have an exciting week this week as we have our very first guest speaker coming on Tuesday and Thursday morning!  We will have two story tellers from the University of Lethbridge coming during our morning meetings.


**Please note that Tuesday's Live is a bit later this week.  It will be from 9:40am-10:15 (instead of the typical 9am). Please check the calendar for the invite and correct time. 


Tuesday: Happy Birthday Cade!!

1. Whole Group Live 9:40am-10:15.  Students will listen to a story teller named Ashely from the Public Library. At the end of this lesson, please have help your child glue their popsicle sticks together in the shape of a snowflake so it's ready for the afternoon.  I will post a pic in our Teams chat.  

2. Story Time - Please head to the Kindergarten Microsite to read the book 'Snowman at Night' which can be found on the Microsite.  Snowman at Night

3.  Come draw with me! Please access the Snowman at Night lesson that is posted on the Kindergarten Microsite for independent work time Kindergarten Microsite 

4. 11:00am - Leaders: Diego, Rylan, Christopher, Ishaan - Have your show and tell ready! 

5. 1:15pm - Students will need their bag that has popsicle sticks and sequins in it.  We will be learning about snowflakes and decorating them together! 



1.  Whole Group Live 9:00-9:40. Students will have another story teller from the Public Library named Lauren!  

2. 11:00am - Leaders: Mara, Aderyn/Kai, Jazmin, Aubrey (possibly Stetson) - Have your show and tell ready! 


3. 1:15pm - Students will need their "Snowman Snowman..." book and their crayons! We will be looking at some site words, tracking and reading together. 


Friday: Happy Birthday Diego!! 

1. PJ DAY!!!  Come dressed in your PJ's!  You can bring a stuffie to snuggle with to the meeting.  You will need to have your tan colored paper, your green overall sheet, scissors and a green (or brown) wax crayon!   We will be reading a special story called Corduroy and creating a bear together! 

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433 15 Street South
Lethbridge , AB T1J 2Z4