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Jan 4th - 8th

Welcome Back Everyone!  


I hope you all had a relaxing break.  I know that this holiday break was much different than most, but I hope that you were all able to find time to spend with your family. 

I have missed the kiddos so much and very much look forward to this week!   I would like to break this week into smaller leader-like groups so that I can reconnect with everyone in a smaller (2-4 kids) setting.  I feel that this is important for our age group so that they have opportunity to share about their two weeks away, and also bring something to show their group for show and tell. Please check your teams calendar for the invites.  



1. Live Lesson at 9am Whole Group - Read Squirrel's New Year Resolution do a little scavenger hunt together and draw in our Blue Drawing Books.

2. Independent work time: Please complete the Matching Beginning Sound, and ending sound pages in your booklet that went home before the break. 

3. Speech group lessons will start today (Isabella, Aderyn, Kai, Chris)

4. No whole group lesson this afternoon as we will be doing small group show and share meetings!  



1. We will be continuing with small group leader meetings all day today!  I'm very much looking forward to our small group discussions. 

2. Independent time: Please refer to the micro site for the lesson: 



It is the M/W rotation so there is no lesson this week.  No pick up today as we did it right before the break. 

Have a great week,

Mrs. Chinn

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