Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

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Feb 1-5th

Here's what's happening this week!



1.  Whole Group Live @9am - We will learning about Polar Bears!  We will read a little story together, watch a little video and do a painting together.  

  • Students will need a plastic fork (a metal fork will work too)
  • The painting baggie that has white paint
  • The blue construction paper that has black, grey, and white clipped to it
  • A place set up for a small painting activity.  Some find it helpful to have the paint scooped out onto a flat plate if their fork doesn't fit inside the container


2.  Reminder for those with Speech lessons: Isabella, Aderyn/Kai, Chris (please check your teams calendar invites for times).

3. Independent work time:   Students will be doing the Winter Wonderland lesson found on the Kindergarten Website: https://home.lethsd.ab.ca/kindergarten/kindergarten-team-website

4. Story Time:  https://home.lethsd.ab.ca/kindergarten/kindergarten-team-website

3. Live Lesson at 1:15pm -   We will be continuing with learning about Polar Bears.  Students will need their fork paintings and supplies from the morning (hopefully they are dry), scissors and glue. We will be reading the book called The Three Snow Bears, by Jan Brett together. 




1.  Live lesson at 9am:  How can we show kindness? Students will need their giant red poster, felts (or crayons if you don't have) a pencil, scissors and a kind heart!   

2.  Independent Work Time:  Winter Walk Scavenger Hunt Please access the lesson  on our website https://home.lethsd.ab.ca/kindergarten/kindergarten-team-website

3.  Story Time:  https://home.lethsd.ab.ca/kindergarten/kindergarten-team-website

4. Live Lesson at 1:15 - Why is kindness important? What does it do for others?  What does it to for us?  We will read a story together, and then do a directed drawing of a  "love bug" together in our blue drawing books.


Friday - This Friday is not our day for instruction as it is the Mon/Wed rotation.  See you on Tuesday. 

Have a great week,

Mrs. Chinn

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433 15 Street South
Lethbridge , AB T1J 2Z4