433 15 Street South
Lethbridge , AB T1J 2Z4
We each have talents and skills that are specific to who we are. Some of us are good speakers, some are good artists, some writers, some athletes, etc. It is so amazing that we are all so different and have different skills.. and it is OK if we aren't good at everything!!!
Sometimes in school (and life) we are asked to share what we have learned and what we know. We are sometimes asked to share these things in a specific way (or through one mode of expression) - for example by writing. But... not all of us are good at writing, and if we aren't very good at writing, we might not be able to share everything that we know.
That is why today I am going to give you lots of options to show me what you know!!
Modes of expression (a few possible options):
- Drawing
- Writing
- Building
- Art
- Video or voice recording
- Act it out (drama)
- Teach me
- Sing a song
#1) Watch the following video
#2) Pick ONE of the animals and tell me two things you learned about that animal!
#3) I want you to choose one of the modes of expression (above) to tell me two things about the animal you chose! Choose an option that you think you are good at and that you will enjoy doing!!!
Send the picture/video/recording to your teacher!!
433 15 Street South
Lethbridge , AB T1J 2Z4