It is time to learn and practice with syllables.
Playdough Stretching and Breaking-
- You are going to say the word while stretching the playdough and then say the word while breaking the playdough. An example would be "table"- say it like taaaaaable while stretching the playdough and then say ta-ble while breaking it to see that it is a 2 syllable word.
- Practice with these words:
- Fish
- Crayon
- Cat
- Robot
- Gorilla
- Computer
- Cup
- Snowman
- Butter
- Hat
- Umbrella
- Bike
- Banana
- Grandma
- Mouse
Scavenger hunt-
Sing "I'm going on a syllable hunt I am not afraid, got my trusty camera and hot coco by my side... Oh look there is a..."
- See if you can spot 1, 2, and 3 syllable words as you go on your syllable hunt.
Syllable Card Game Battle-
- You need a sibling or an adult to play with
- Start by taking out the aces, twos and threes (we need these ones).
- You will take the aces, twos and threes and mix them up.
- Put them face down and draw a card.
- If you drew an Ace- Go find something that has one syllable in your house and run back to the meeting spot.
- If you drew a Two- Go find something that has two syllables in your house and run back to the meeting spot.
- If you drew a Three- Go find something that has three syllable in your house and run back to the meeting spot.
- Do this for at least 5 rounds. The person that comes back first with an item with the correct syllables wins the card!!!
Story Time-
- Go on Tumble Books (which you already signed up for in a previous lesson from the Lethbridge Public Library) and read a story. After you have listened to 2 pages stop and find a one syllable word, a two syllable word and a 3 syllable word.
- Listen to the next 2 pages and repeat until the story is over.
You will be syllable experts by the end of all of these- great work!